On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 10:16:46AM -0400, Kuba Ober wrote:

> There are two things worth mentioning:

> 1. XML,although a nicety, is almost useless for people who edit things in it. 
> It pushes one to type so many unnecessary keystrokes for even the most 
> trivial things, and eveything has to be typed twice (once for opening tag, 
> once for closing tag). TeX-like LyX syntax is much more concise and thus very 
> fast to type when you edit things by hand. It also disrupts the visual text 
> flow in the .lyx file much less.

I'm an admitted keystroke whore.  One of the primary reasons I stick
with lyx rather than latex (which is generally more suited to my nature)
is that it involves less keystrokes (the other being that I can see
equations as I edit them; they tend to be too complicated for me to read
in tex).

Now, if some psycho would manage to bolt lyx equation display onto vim
editing . . . 

hawk, who freqeuntly has extra hjkl's running around his documents

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