On Monday 09 September 2002 13:18, R. Lahaye wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) Tooltips:
>     I need to overwrite a tooltip string, because some buttons
> swap their purpose upon activation (e.g. "Go to" in
> Cross-Reference dialog, and "Start" in Spellchecker dialog).
>     However, when I call again to overwrite, for example:
>           tooltips().init(dialog_->button_start, str);
>     sometime later (somewhere else than in the  function
> Form<whatever>::build()), nothing happens. The old tooltips
> string remains and this has no effect.
>     Any idea why the tooltips of a widget can be set only
> once?

Try and replace the existing Tooltips::init with this:

void Tooltips::init(FL_OBJECT * ob, string const & tip)
        lyx::Assert(ob && ob->form);
        tooltipsMap[ob] = formatted(trim(tip), 400);

> 2) The slider in the Spellchecker can be grabbed with the
> mouse and then dragged to any value. That's not what it should
> do; the slider should only accept values from the
> spellchecking progress info.
>     Why is that and can we block the mouse action on the
> slider?

Ask on the xforms list. They're usually pretty good at solving 
such conundrums.


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