On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 10:32:40PM +0000, John Levon wrote:

> This does not deal with the opposite case (caption inside minipage
> inside float) which is on bugzilla ?


But this one does.

example of both bugs attached

OK ?


Index: insets/insetfloat.C
RCS file: /usr/local/lyx/cvsroot/lyx-devel/src/insets/insetfloat.C,v
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -r1.53 insetfloat.C
--- insets/insetfloat.C 26 Sep 2002 08:59:34 -0000      1.53
+++ insets/insetfloat.C 29 Oct 2002 22:48:24 -0000
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include "frontends/LyXView.h"
 #include "frontends/Dialogs.h"
 #include "lyxlex.h"
+#include "iterators.h"
 using std::ostream;
 using std::endl;
@@ -339,11 +340,13 @@
 void InsetFloat::addToToc(toc::TocList & toclist, Buffer const * buf) const
-       // Now find the caption in the float...
-       // We now tranverse the paragraphs of
-       // the inset...
-       Paragraph * tmp = inset.paragraph();
-       while (tmp) {
+       ParIterator pit(inset.paragraph());
+       ParIterator end;
+       // Find a caption layout in one of the (child inset's) pars
+       while (pit != end) {
+               Paragraph * tmp = *pit;
                if (tmp->layout()->name() == caplayout) {
                        string const str =
                                tostr(toclist[type()].size() + 1)
@@ -351,6 +354,6 @@
                        toc::TocItem const item(tmp, 0 , str);
-               tmp = tmp->next();
+               ++pit;
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blah blah


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