
are there any plans to provide a workaround for the following problem:

g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../../src -I../../../../boost -isystem /usr/X11R6/include -g -O -fno-exceptions -W -Wall -Winline -c cregex.cpp -MT cregex.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/cregex.TPlo
../../../../boost/boost/regex/detail/regex_match.hpp: In member function
`unsigned int boost::RegEx::GrepFiles(bool (*)(const char*, const
boost::RegEx&), const char*, bool, unsigned int)':
../../../../boost/boost/regex/detail/regex_match.hpp:1902: Internal compiler
error in expand_call, at calls.c:3049
Please submit a full bug report,

Of course, it's not your fault. OTOH, gcc 3.2 is part of most current Linux distributions, so you might be flooded by bug reports if compilation of LyX 1.3.0 fails.


Michael Schmitt Telefon: +49 651 97551-40
Institut für Telematik Telefax: +49 651 97551-12
Bahnhofstrasse 30-32 WWW: http://www.ti.fhg.de
D-54292 Trier E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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