On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 11:41:23AM -0200, Persio Barros wrote:

> I got the latest CVS LyX 1.3.0 sources (Dec. 4th) and compiled it with 
> qt gui support (Qt 3.0.5, gcc 3.2, RedHat 8).

Dec. 4th ? Are you *sure* ?

> 1- The math symbols, including greek letters, are not correct when shown 
> in the qt frontend. It seems that the symbol font map is wrongly set or 
> the wrong symbol font is beeing used. For example, \alpha is shown as 
> the copyright symbol (a smal "R" inside a circle) on the screen.

fine for me

> 2- The math pannel is not working. When a symbol is clicked, nothing 
> happens. But the functions and the buttons over them (roots, fraction, 
> etc) do work. The console shows the following error message:
> QObject::connect: No such signal IconPalette::button_clicked(string const&)
> QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
> QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'QMathDialogBase')

I fixed this days ago, see frontends/qt2/ChangeLog. What is the very top
entry ?


"Trolls like content too."
        - Bob Abooey, /.

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