
since yesterday (Dec., 3rd), my qtlyx-1.3.0cvs again crashes after entering 
AltGr, if I start it with the option -dbg 4:

        Press key 65535 text "none", ascii "0"
        sym empty in getSymbolName()
        lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
        Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting              
        instructions in Help->Introduction and send us a bug report, 
        if necessary. Thanks !

Without the debug option it works!

Some times ago, the lines 

                // AltGr becomes Key_unknown on at least one keyboard
                case Qt::Key_unknown:
                        return true;

were added in qlkey.h, and all were good for me. 

I cannot find any significant change in qlkey.h. 

Moroever, an old version (from Oct., 10th), which I saved because it worked 
well, chrashes now also with this debug option if I enter AltGr. 

It is possible that some files in lib are changed which cause to crash the 
old lyx, too?


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