On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 12:26:02AM -0400, Garst R. Reese wrote:
> "Dr. Richard E. Hawkins" wrote:

> > I think I've been through this before . . .

> > In the article class, the table of contents uses no leading dots for the
> > sections, but it does for the subsections.  My text, in book class, uses
> > them for all levels.

> > I don't see any ert setting this in either, or any preamble magic, and I
> > can't find anything in the menus that seems to do it.

> Does your book class use leading dots for Chapters?

I'm pretty sure I'm using the default book class; I don't know how I
could be using anything else.  It gives leading dots for chapters.

My preamble is

\newfont {\web}{phvr at 9.0pt}
\newfont {\email}{pcrr at  10.0pt }
\newfont {\mrgfnt}{phvr at  6.0pt }
\newcommand{\mrg}{\tiny \smallskip}

and it has the following magic (for which I don't remember all the












    \thispagestyle{empty}% without any pagenumber 





> I think the primary level in a class does not use dots. In the case of
> Article, this is Section.
> Book does not use dots either for Part or Chapter.

But it is :)  Is there anyplace else I could have set something to 
cause that?

> See LaTeX Companion, pp 31-39

Unfortunately, all I have accessible is Lamport's User GUide & Reference
manual :(



Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics    /"\   ASCII ribbon campaign
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