On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 02:50:52AM +1030, Darren Freeman wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 07:44, Dr. Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 11:26:59AM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> > Also, bz2 compression can handle losing bits out of the middle, unlike
> > gzip.

> Interesting. It's a shame that bz2 isn't really widespread in its use,
> although it's probably installed on most systems.

It's been part of the base install of FreeBSD for a year or so, and I
assume similarly for the other *bsds.

> VI can transparently un-gzip files. It transparently re-gzips them when
> you're done! At least mine does =)

> Less can also read gzips.

I think these are installtion-dependent options--it depends upon how
they were compiled.


Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics    /"\   ASCII ribbon campaign
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