On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Michael Schmitt wrote:

> Christian Ridderström wrote:
> >the title says it all really. When I run with a debug option, I get 
> >the output a bit below. To me the script seems incorrect and I've 
> >added a note where I think it fails (that's where it failed when I 
> >copied it and tried it separately)
> >
> Please add the following two lines to ~/.Xdefaults and try again:
> Tgif.XPmOutputVersion: 3
> Tgif.UseXPmVersion1ForImageMap: false
> Conversion should work with these settings.
I've added those lines and it still doesn't work.

But I think the problem is that tgif prints the file in the wrong 
directory. Tgif has an option -odir to tell it where to print the file, 
what token should I use in the converter setting to do this? (i.e.

        tgif -print -png -odir ??? $$i


PS. Aarrg.. it's really annoying that in the Preferences/Converters, 
(qt-version9, when you press the modify button it changes the current 
converter to the first one. DS

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-790 91 37           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
Mechatronics lab, Dept. of Machine Design        http://www.md.kth.se

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