On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Michael Schmitt wrote:

> Christian Ridderström wrote:
> >I tested it with lyx 1.2.2 and it works there. It uses the following to 
> >convert the tgif image:
> >
> >#!/bin/sh
> >infile='/afs/md.kth.se/md/home/damek/chr/thesis/images/part3/test2.tgo'
> >infile_base='/afs/md.kth.se/md/home/damek/chr/thesis/images/part3/test2'
> >outfile='/tmp/lyx_tmpdir184785W5g4q/gconvert018478ZXaNuY.xpm'
> >
> >tgif -print -color -stdout -xpm ${infile} > ${outfile}
> >
> >so here it prints to stdout, and also uses the xpm format instead of png.
> >
> >What version are you using Michael?
> >
> - xforms 1.0
> - lyx 1.3.0cvs (latest)
> - tgif 4.1 (patchlevel 41 or 42)
> - the two-line patch for .Xdefaults (maybe you have to restart X?)
> - no further customization (i.e., a "clean" ~/.lyx directory)
Ok... what does your conversion command look like?

a weird thing with this loading of pictures is that it looks fine if the 
tgif image has some colours in it?

I've been e-mailing back and forth with Angus, but it wasn't going to the 
list, so I'll sum it up in a mail that I'll send to the list.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-790 91 37           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
Mechatronics lab, Dept. of Machine Design        http://www.md.kth.se

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