Andreas Pour wrote:

> Hi,
> Congrats on the release and porting LyX to Qt :-).  Unfortunately for me
> compilation failed on the three major Linux commercial distros with the
> attached logs:
>   * SuSE 8.0:  gcc2.95.3.log
>   * SuSE 8.1:  gcc3.2-suse81.log
>   * Mandrake 9.0 / RedHat 8.0:  gcc3.2-mand90-rh80.log
> What compiler is recommended, BTW?

For SuSE-8.1  you can find a fixed compiler in

The lyx developers are aware of the fact, that their code is too good for
any shipped compiler, but decided to have correct rather than easily
compilable code.

Moritz Moeller-Herrmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wiss. Mitarbeiter, IMGB
        La loi, dans un grand souci d'égalité, interdit aux riches comme aux
        pauvres de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler
        du pain. 

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