On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 05:01:32PM +0100, Michael Abshoff wrote:

> Just compiled 1.3.0 from source. Played around with the lyx-server. IIRC
> lyx should kill .lyxpipe.{in,ou} on exit. Apperantly that is not the case.

fixed already in cvs branch

> Additionally the Perl-code in LyX-Client  (under /development/lyxserver/..)
> makes assumptions that are no longer true. Is the code unmaintained?
> It seems rather old.

unmaintained indeed

> I am  interested in writing a "torture-test" for lyx to trigger bugs and 
> crashes
> I thing that I will have an alpha ready in about 10 days. Are you guys
> interested?



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