Argh, I didn't include before sending.

Here are the old posts from my old mail, headers and all, with the
discussions from when we fixed the license.  I'd forgotten just how much
more, uhh, perturbed John Weiss was about the High Church of Emacs than
I was :)

And it was Asger, not Lars, who committed the change.  I'd been
expecting one more round of editing, so there's a clause missing.  5)
should have become 6), with the new 5) reserving the future editing to
us rather than the FSF.  (I wouldn't include this now; we really only
get one bite at the apple on clarification).

I also wasn't able to get the word "muttonhead" in, for which I again
apologize to John Weiss :)


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 11:54:28 -0600 (CST)
Organization: Center for Computational Mechanics,
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From: Roland Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Richard E. Hawkins Esq." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: license clarification
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My wife is a lawyer and I went to law school with her (sorta...) 
Anyway I have asked her earlier (in the contents of the whole 
Qt-KDE-GPL-RedHat mess). She pretty much said the exact same thing 
than you Rick. She wouldnt offer legal council even if I volunteered
doing dishes for a week..
Anyway I think that you proposal sounds very reasonable even for 
non lawyers. A discussion with OSS enthusiasts will certainly follow 
but someone should really clarify this issue once and for all
(of course there is no such thing in the law).


On 13-Jan-99 Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> While we're cleaning up, it might be a good idea to clarify the 
> license, even if we don't switch.
> Regardless of our past statements, lyx is not GPL, but quasi-GPL.
> The act of releasing LyX under the GPL while it dependent upon xforms
> has two interpetations:
> 1) we're complete idiots and in violation of our license (the debian 
>    view :)
> 2) The license is modified by our actions (all Common Law (english 
>    speaking) countries, and I presume civil code countries, and I 
>    expect anywhere else where the rule of law is real).
> So before there's a KDE-style nightmare, I suggest language along these 
> lines:
> "While LyX has been released nominally under the GPL in the past, it 
> has in fact never been truly GPL.  Particularly, it has always been 
> linked to a closed source library.  While some have taken a view that 
> such actions violate the GPL, this is a legal impossibility.  The law 
> is quite clear that the release of the software by the original authors 
> and copyright holders changed the licenses.
> "Rather than leaving the issue to be debated, the following 
> clarifications are given.  This is not a change of license, but a 
> clarification of the license that LyX has always used.
> "1) LyX is quasi-GPL software.  The terms of the GPL apply save where 
> they conflict with this statement.
> "2) There is no limitation on the license or nature of any software, 
> source, binary, library, or other, that may be linked to LyX, or to 
> which LyX may be linked.  Particularly, clauses *** of the GPL are 
> rejected in their entirety.
> "3) There is no limitation on combining LyX source code with code 
> subject to any other license, provided that the LyX source remains 
> under this same license.  Particularly, clause ** of the GPL is 
> rejected in its entirety.
> "4) Any other clause or interpretation of the GPL limiting the 
> combination of other software of any type and LyX is rejected in its 
> entirety, provided that the LyX code and modifications to the LyX 
> source dode remains under this same license.
> "5)  Nothing in this statement purports to alter or interpret the 
> license of any other software.  Any combination of other software with 
> LyX must also meet the requirements of that software."
> Although I'd prefer to replace the "legal impossibility" with "only a 
> complete muttonhead could conclude", but I suppose that would be 
> impolitic :)
> rick, esq.
> -- 

Roland Krause
Visiting Research Associate - Center for Computational Mechanics
Washington University, Saint Louis
Roland Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 10:57:18 -0500
From: John Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: license clarification
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On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 11:11:37AM -0600, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> "2) There is no limitation on the license or nature of any software, 
> source, binary, library, or other, that may be linked to LyX, or to 
> which LyX may be linked.  Particularly, clauses *** of the GPL are 
> rejected in their entirety.
Rich, since you're our legal expert, could you go through the GPL and 
complete the "***"?  Also make sure that this clarification doesn't
mangle the GPL, and make the clarification "proper legalese".

That way, when the muttonheads try to debate the statement, I can
retort, "Well, yes, that's nice.  HOWEVER, our lawyer crafted the
language your're attempting to nitpick; so, from a legal standpoint,
all of your statements are utter hogwash.

> Although I'd prefer to replace the "legal impossibility" with "only a 
> complete muttonhead could conclude", but I suppose that would be 
> impolitic :)

Make a footnote to the "legal impossibility" [in text files, those
always turn into endnotes], stating that "only a complete muttonhead
could conclude" and explain why only a compelte muttonhead could ever
come to that conclusion.  Cite the appropriate jurisprudence to
impress/intimidate people.

One can deal with 90% of complainers by arguing them into a corner and
beting them over the head with vast, superior knowledge.  The other
10% are either too mentally deficient to get it, or, more likely, on
some Great Fundamentalist Holy War.  In the case of the latter,
efforts to convince, sway, or deflect such persons are useless [as are
the persons in question, IMNSHO].

John Weiss

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Subject: Re: license clarification
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On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 03:15:21PM -0600, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> btw, since my licenses are inactive to save $700/year in fees, my 
> suggestion isn't legal advice, etc.

Okay, so we add another endnote with that as a disclaimer.  "Crafted
by a LyX developer who is an inactive lawyer [he'd be a lawyer if he
were willing to pay the $700/year in fees to keep his licenses


> I think it's only the hardcore church-of-emacs and "GPL uber alles" 
> crowd that will object, but they object to anything but pure GPL . . .

Of course, if I had my druthers, I'd add to the license that "LyX could
not be distributed by members of the FSF [or Debian, if we wanted to
honk the GPL-fanatics there off] for version x.x.x, and only version
x.x.x, because we feel that they're muttonheads".  But then again, you
know I like to be spiteful.  <evil gryn>

John Weiss

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:43:12 -0600
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After sitting down and reading this thing this morning, I've come to a 
legal conclusion (which isn't legal advice :):   This thing is a 
disaster, written by an amateur.  It's largely well done for an 
amateurish work, but it still shows.

It doesn't seem to actually include what either rms or his critics say. 
 Particularly, the word "link" does not appear until the final 
paragraph, in a suggestion to use the LGPL if linking is desired.

I'm trying to figure out which section prevents linking.  It could be 
the second full paragraph of section 2:

>These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
>identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
>and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
>themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
>sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
>distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
>on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
>this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
>entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

Or it could be section 3, which seems to the "system binaries 
>The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
>making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
>code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
>associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
>control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
>special exception, the source code distributed need not include
>anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
>form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
>operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
>itself accompanies the executable.

But I don't think that this "exception" covers materials that any 
reasonable reading of the prior sentence governs.

Given the time constraints, we're stuck with our modified GPL for 1.0.  
But I think we aslo want to make it clear under section 9 on revisions 
to keep the spirit of the license that we plan to replace our 
disclaimers with a complete revision.  While it says that the FSF can 
do this, our modifications put us in place to make the revisions.

To return to my prior suggestions, and Garths's requests, the sections 
that I propose we specifically disclaim are:

a) the preamble,
b) The second full paragraph of section two (contagious & imperialistic 
license).  Maybe add language making clear that the lyx code has to 
stay under the lyx license.
c) Section 3, second full paragraph.  Replace universal code with "code 
governed by this license"
d) "Everything from "How to Apply These TErms . . ." on



>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Date: 25 Jan 1999 23:29:27 +0100
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I'd say: Work with the FSF to make the GPL really say what it tries to
say. I don't think Lyx should have its own GPL derived "corrected"


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Subject: Re: GPL is a disaster 
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lars lamented,

> I'd say: Work with the FSF to make the GPL really say what it tries to
> say. I don't think Lyx should have its own GPL derived "corrected"
> lisence.

That doesn't solve our problem, though.  As I'm reading it, lyx is ok =

with what it says, but not with what it's accepted to say.

If the GPL says any of what its proponents say it does about linked =

libraries, we're plain and simply not GPL; we're already a GPL derived =

license.  The question is what we do about it to avoid a debian/kde =

type situation.  Come to think of it, i'm not aware of *any* =

differences between the lyx/xforms and KDE/qt relationships, other than =

that we're not connected to any holy wars.  (However, if KDE is =

actually a descendant of gpl software that used something gpl rather =

than qt, the distinction could be made).


-- =

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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From: "Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Debian bug #32299 in LyX
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 21:56:30 +0100 (MET)
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I noticed by coincidence that there is a "critical"
bug in the Debian package for LyX regarding the

The bug is number 32299.

The question is whether the clarification of the
licensing question we have put on the web page is 
a change to the license or an attempt at a 
clarification.  I can confirm that it is the
latter.  We have not changed the license as such.

I have not followed the discussion on the debian
legal mailing list, so I'm not sure what the
problem is regarding distributing LyX with

However, what I do know is that the LyX Team
has agreed that the current license by which
LyX is distributed (the GPL) is sufficient
in the sense that our interpretation of it is
not in conflict with the XForms license.

I'm not a legal expert, but my understanding is
that in the act of applying the license to LyX,
and thus linking with XForms, the offending parts 
of the license are legally nullified, and this is 
what we have stated in the clarification.

In other words:  We are not ready to change the
license as such, because we feel it would make
things worse (invention yet another license), but 
we are ready to clarify our interpretation of the 

This has been done in the cvs version of LyX,
and will be part of LyX v1.0.0, which is due
the 1st of February.

If you have any comments on this decision, please
reply to both me, and the lyx developers mailing
list which is cc'ed on this letter.
If the question is a matter of clarifying the
clarification, we are of course ready to do so,
as long as it is in line with our decision.


Asger Alstrup

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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        Thu, 28 Jan 1999 22:16:28 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: Debian bug #32299 in LyX
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard E. Hawkins Esq.)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 22:16:28 +0100 (MET)
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> I *really* think we need more than the web page says.  Particularly, 
> the sections of the body which we specifically disclaim.
> I believe the solution is a clarification that provides:
> 1) the legal reasons that we aren't GPL.
> 2) That the clarification is not a *change* in the license
> 3) The sections of the body that we disclaim, and possibly (my 
> prefference) the preamble and postscript.

As I recall, you did post such a clarification on this list
a while ago, but I've lost it, and I didn't see much talk
about it.
I suggest that you find the mail in your archive, trim it
up such that it is ready to stuff on top of the LICENSING file,
and then we do if, unless somebody disagrees.

It's fine to do 1)-3) with me.

I sent the mail to the debain guy, because I noticed that
the LyX problem was "holding back" Debian 1.3, because they
judged it to be a "critical" bug.  (Politics...)
Hopefully, we can resolve this problem this way.

I wanted to fix the web pages on la1ad today for the 1.0
release, but unfortunately, I can't telnet into the box
anymore!  I don't know what happened (Lgb?), but the fact
is that I do not have a snapshot to work from, and thus
I haven't managed to do any work.

What is worse:  I don't have time to do a complete
overhaul of the web pages as intended before the 1st
of February...

Now, I'll start working on the click policy stuff.



>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Subject: Re: Debian bug #32299 in LyX 
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             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 15:53:26 -0600
From: "Richard E. Hawkins Esq." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Status: O
Content-Length: 4572
Lines: 109

asger added,
>I iterated,
> > I *really* think we need more than the web page says.  Particularly, 
> > the sections of the body which we specifically disclaim.

> > I believe the solution is a clarification that provides:

> > 1) the legal reasons that we aren't GPL.
> > 2) That the clarification is not a *change* in the license
> > 3) The sections of the body that we disclaim, and possibly (my 
> > prefference) the preamble and postscript.

> As I recall, you did post such a clarification on this list
> a while ago, but I've lost it, and I didn't see much talk
> about it.

I don't know if that was due to universal agreement, or apathy.  BUt 
there was discussion of where to put "muttonhead" :)

> I suggest that you find the mail in your archive, trim it
> up such that it is ready to stuff on top of the LICENSING file,
> and then we do if, unless somebody disagrees.

> It's fine to do 1)-3) with me.

Here it is, with modifications from earlier in the week.  I propose 
that the license in the root directory be this file, which references 
the GPL pushed a level down, so that it can not be mistaken for the 

"While LyX has been released nominally under the GPL in the past, it 
 has in fact never been truly GPL.  Particularly, it has always been 
 linked to a closed source library.  While some have taken a view that 
 such actions violate the GPL, this is a legal impossibility.  The law 
 is quite clear that the release of the software by the original authors 
 and copyright holders changed the licenses. 
"Rather than leaving the issue to be debated, the following 
 clarifications are given.  This is *not* a change of license, but a 
 clarification of the license that LyX has always used.  All patches 
 submitted to LyX fall under this same license.

"1) LyX is quasi-GPL software.  The terms of the GPL apply save where 
they conflict with this statement.
"2) There is no limitation on the license or nature of any software, 
 source, binary, library, or other, that may be linked to LyX, or to 
 which LyX may be linked.  Particularly, the second full paragraph of
 section 2, from 'These requirements apply to the modified work' 
 through 'who wrote it.' is rejected in its entirety. 

"3) There is no limitation on combining LyX source code with code 
 subject to any other license, provided that the LyX source remains 
 under this same license.  Particularly,  Section 3 of the GPL is 
 rejected in its entirety. To redistribute a modified version of LyX, 
 the entire source code of the modified LyX must be made available under
 the terms of this license or such other licenses as apply to portions 
 of the original or modified code.
"4) Any other clause or interpretation of the GPL limiting the 
 combination of other software of any type and LyX is rejected in its 
 entirety, provided that the LyX code and modifications to the LyX 
 source code remains under this same license, or such other licenses as
 apply to portions of the original or modified code.
 "5)  Nothing in this statement purports to alter or interpret the 
 license of any other software.  Any combination of other software with 
 LyX must also meet the requirements of that software."
 Although I'd prefer to replace the "legal impossibility" with "only a  
complete muttonhead could conclude", but I suppose that would be 
impolitic :)  I think it's john who really wants to use "muttonhead."

While the way I've worded 3 & 4 could give us BSDish sections, in which
it would not be necessary to distribute source for additions, It's
not immediately clear that there's another way to do this that 
accommodates xforms.

Does anyone have the whole archive of patches?  It may be worth seeing 
if there's anyone not still in contact that  has any copyright claims,
and switch to the artistic license (but not for 1.0.0).


> I sent the mail to the debain guy, because I noticed that
> the LyX problem was "holding back" Debian 1.3, because they
> judged it to be a "critical" bug.  (Politics...)
> Hopefully, we can resolve this problem this way.
> I wanted to fix the web pages on la1ad today for the 1.0
> release, but unfortunately, I can't telnet into the box
> anymore!  I don't know what happened (Lgb?), but the fact
> is that I do not have a snapshot to work from, and thus
> I haven't managed to do any work.
> What is worse:  I don't have time to do a complete
> overhaul of the web pages as intended before the 1st
> of February...
> Now, I'll start working on the click policy stuff.
> Greets,
> Asger


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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"Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen" wrote:
> Hi!
> I noticed by coincidence that there is a "critical"
> bug in the Debian package for LyX regarding the
> copyright.
> The bug is number 32299.
> The question is whether the clarification of the
> licensing question we have put on the web page is
> a change to the license or an attempt at a
> clarification.  I can confirm that it is the
> latter.  We have not changed the license as such.
> I have not followed the discussion on the debian
> legal mailing list, so I'm not sure what the
> problem is regarding distributing LyX with
> Debian.

Basically there is two problems. 

First, Debian (if I understand correctly) hasn't usually accepted the
"legal nullification" theory. Currently being a Debian user and not a
developer, I'm not really qualified to answer as to how they'll accept
it in this case.

Second, nothing like the clarification of the license is included in the
Debian copyright file. Having the clarification included in the
copyright file would be a great improvement.  

> In other words:  We are not ready to change the
> license as such, because we feel it would make
> things worse (invention yet another license), but 
> we are ready to clarify our interpretation of the 
> license.

Probably a bit out of line here, but have you checked out the LGPL or
the Artistic License? They would appear to work similarily, but
unquestionably allow the code to be linked to XForms.

As for the clarification, that probably won't be neccesarry. The
clarification is everything it needs to be, now it just needs to be
added to the copyright file.

Has anyone checked out porting LyX to Fltk? It supposed to be somewhat
compatable with XForms. Checking out the difficulty of that port and
possibly working on that is on my list of projects to do.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dullard: someone who, wanting a piece of information, takes down the
appropriate volume of the encyclopedia, looks up the item they need, and
then puts the volume away without reading anything else. - Peter
Dell'Orto, paraphrased from Philip Jose Farmer

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Subject: Re: License updated in cvs repository
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard E. Hawkins Esq.)
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 16:37:07 +0100 (MET)
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> I had another thoguth on the way in this morning.  We are stuck with an 
> ugly kludge of a license; all my text does was explain it.  Should we 
> ad a line requiring that patches must permit a switch to the artistic 
> license (or whatever?) so we can go to a clean, standard license in the 
> future?

Hopefully, the problem will be less acute in the future, because
we will be able to link to GTK+ (or GTK-- once that is stable.)



>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 20:46:08 -0500
From: John Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Debian bug #32299 in LyX
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On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 11:59:34AM +0100, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> > First, Debian (if I understand correctly) hasn't usually accepted the
> > "legal nullification" theory. Currently being a Debian user and not a
> > developer, I'm not really qualified to answer as to how they'll accept
> > it in this case.
> In this case, that's just too bad.

...and completely bass-ackwards, dain-bramaged nonsense.

> It's difficult for us to change the license, because that requires
> us to contact all contributors over the last four years, and get their
> consent.

We should *really* go through the CREDITS file, contact all therein,
and get them to consent to giving the LyX Team official permission to
make changes to copyright as wee deem necessary, as long as such
changes are not for commercial gain.  Rich, could you ponder a
paragraph stating something like that?  We could then also put
soemthing on the web page/in the source distribution asking long-lost
contributors to get in touch with us.

Really, this is an annoying loose end that will only grow worse.  In
practice, anyone who contributes a patch to LyX has "veto power" on
license, copyright, and other changes only so long as they're
semi-active members of the develpment team.  It is assumed that anyone
who abandons their corner of the code "bequeaths" it to the team.  In
principle, certain GPL-fundamentalist nutcases who shall remain
nameless [Debian] go stomping around claiming we put LyX under a
license that makes it illegal for anyone to ever run LyX and other
such horseshit.  To shut them up, I'd like to stuff a sock down their
throats.  However, others on the team would prefer not to resort to
violence. ;)  Performing the admittedly long and tedious task is our
only alternative.

We need to do it at some point.  Why not now, during the shakedown/bug
reporting period of 1.0?

John Weiss

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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weiss wondered,

> We should *really* go through the CREDITS file, contact all therein,
> and get them to consent to giving the LyX Team official permission to
> make changes to copyright as wee deem necessary, as long as such
> changes are not for commercial gain.  Rich, could you ponder a
> paragraph stating something like that?  We could then also put
> soemthing on the web page/in the source distribution asking long-lost
> contributors to get in touch with us.

i'd be happy to.  However, that trusty funny feeling in the gut is
suggesting that while deliberating the contents and phrasing, this
should be done either by direct email or on a list that isn't
world readable and archived.  Not so that we can do any funny
stuff, but so that mid-deliberation stuff doesn't get taken 
out of context.  I don't see any way that the comments could be
of later value (we can keep an archive and make extracts to show the 
reasoning), but they could create a later mess.  Or fuel unnecessary
flame wars.

> Really, this is an annoying loose end that will only grow worse.  In
> practice, anyone who contributes a patch to LyX has "veto power" on
> license, copyright, and other changes only so long as they're
> semi-active members of the develpment team.  It is assumed that anyone
> who abandons their corner of the code "bequeaths" it to the team.  In
> principle, certain GPL-fundamentalist nutcases who shall remain
> nameless [Debian] go stomping around claiming we put LyX under a
> license that makes it illegal for anyone to ever run LyX and other
> such horseshit.  To shut them up, I'd like to stuff a sock down their
> throats.  However, others on the team would prefer not to resort to
> violence. ;)  Performing the admittedly long and tedious task is our
> only alternative.

Agreed.  I figure that what we'd want in permissions is,

a) ability to switch to any license that requires keeping the source
itself free (or should bsdish be ok?  Look what netbsd got back from 

b) the core developers should be able to issue exceptions--who knows 
what licenses with odd compatibility problems will pop up in the 

c) the artistic license looked good, but i only gave it a once-thru.

d) there's also my off-the-cuff "raptor" license from a couple of 
months ago.
> We need to do it at some point.  Why not now, during the shakedown/bug
> reporting period of 1.0?


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Subject: ahh, nuts: forgot a paragraph in clarification
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Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 13:47:40 -0600
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In addition to moving the GPL, we need the following paragraph added, 
and the current 5) renamed 6) :

5) The right to  publish revised versions of the license in paragraph 
   9. of the GPL is held by the LyX development team.

Lacking this could lead to disastrous interpretations:  GNU has the 
right to change our license to handle new situations, and we don't, 
leaving us stuck with a variant of the current version, and unable to 
change this.  (This interpreation isn't correct, but could lead to


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 15:33:31 -0600 (CST)
Organization: Center for Computational Mechanics,
 Washington University, St. Louis
From: Roland Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: LyX-devels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: the dreaded license could be good for something... 
Status: RO
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Devys, Rick,
I have read through the LyX license again. 
If you and the other developers are up for some real big publicity,
here is a proposal what to do in order to get a flamewar on slashdot 

Someone post this to Rob Malda under the subject:

LyX license clearifies legal gibberish of GPL version 2. 

Maybe this is just going to far... I am really in doubt.
I mean, instead looking at the tremendous piece of software you guys 
put together, the focus would be on the license... 

Roland Krause
Visiting Research Associate - Center for Computational Mechanics
Washington University, Saint Louis
Roland Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 02:00:12 -0500
From: John Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: LyX-devels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: the dreaded license could be good for something...
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On Tue, Feb 02, 1999 at 03:33:31PM -0600, Roland Krause wrote:
> Devys, Rick,
> I have read through the LyX license again. 
> If you and the other developers are up for some real big publicity,
> here is a proposal what to do in order to get a flamewar on slashdot 
> started. 
> Someone post this to Rob Malda under the subject:
> LyX license clearifies legal gibberish of GPL version 2. 

Would he be the slashdot muttonhead? :)

John Weiss

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 10:39:01 +0000 (GMT)
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Subject: License
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There's a problem here in version 1.0.0. Two main problems in fact:

1. The COPYING file is now *extremely* confusing. "Patching" the GNU
license means that LyX is now distributed under an unfamiliar license, and
one of dubious value.

2. The "Copyright and Warranty" box in the program just says that LyX is
distributed under the GPL. This directly contradicts the main COPYING

Since I understand that a bug in the Insert->URL command is likely to mean
an update sooner rather than later, perhaps you could take the opportunity
to sort out the COPYING problem too. Personally, I'd much rather that LyX
was simply released under the GPL, but if you're determined to change the
license, then you should:

1. Edit the GPL to your satisfaction.

2. Rename it (after all, changing the GPL is not allowed; however, it
doesn't say you can't change it provided you call it something else).

Now you just have one consistent COPYING file, hopefully.


3. Check that the extracts from the file in the Copyright and Warranty box
match the COPYING file, and in particular, say "distributed under the
license in the file COPYING that came with the program" rather than "under
the GPL".

>From the various nastinesses in the above, you can see why I'd rather you
just used the GPL, warts and all. Having read the GPL carefully, I don't
see that the fact that xforms is not open source is any problem.

-- | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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Subject: Hah!  a hacked up letterhead
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 17:54:22 -0600
From: "Richard E. Hawkins Esq." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Status: RO
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Lines: 334

After wasitng half a day, this letterhead works.  It's almost ready to 
be included, but needs a couple of details.

a)  I need to figure out how to query a box for it's height & width. 
Until then, this is an ugy hack.
b) The printer I used is vertically misaligned, so this prints low on 
the page.  There's an lradjust (yeah, that's off too.), but I need to 
know how to query boxes for the up/down adjust to work.
c) I don't think there's a way around this.  I have to play with 
textheight.  It is initially set to make the first page work, and it 
executes a command in the firstpage headr to make later commands work.


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 03 08:47:18 2002
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I think we already have the license issues covered.  Lyx is Quasi-GPL, 
not GPL.  The actions taken in releasing and inviting to distribute 
binaries while having the xforms dependencies was inconsistent with the 
GPL wording, thus the actions governed.  When I saw the kde/gnu/debian 
religious wars, I brought this up, pointed out how the law worked, and 
wrote the license clarification that now ships.

As written, it is clauses of the GPL that are rejected, so the 
rejection would carry forward to other libraries.  

Its those initial actions, predating what I wrote, that determine what 
we can and cannot do, and what the license is.  It might be arguaable 
that only xforms gets the exemption; I'll mull this over.  My initial 
reaction, though, is that the offending GPL clauses are inert in their 
entirety--otherwise, the project would be locked into a specific 
version of xforms rather than its updates, which is a nonsensical 
result.  Since updated versions of xforms may be used, I'd be inclined 
to believe that any substitute to xforms may also be used (again, I'll 
mull this over a bit.).

As a practical note, I think it would be *very* difficult to find 
anyone who would have the legal standing to object to the use of qt . . 


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