On Sat, 8 Mar 2003, John Levon wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 04:41:48PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> > Most Westernised folks at least will be familiar with the "recycle"
> > triangle.  It's a small jump to make a similar association here.
> But we cannot have just a recycle triangle, users associate it with
> "re-something". We are not "recycling", we're "cycling".

Okay, I'm being gentle because you have either just woken up or are
still partying.  Did the suggested arrow look like a triangle?  If you
thought so then you need to go to bed now.  Do not attempt to drive.


The "association" I spoke of was that people will realise that
something similar is happening.  A cycle is formed.  A squarish cycle
perhaps not a triangular green recycle.

> > If you prefer something more like:
> >
> >     --->-\
> >          |
> >        <-/
> And how are you going to fit that, plus something that clearly indicates
> a  llist item, onto even a KDE-sized icon ? You just won't be able to do
> it clearly.

The arrow can overlap the paragraph that is in motion.

> > Here's an idea.  What about a springy arrow?  Most people would know a
> > spring will stretch and return.  Perhaps this would be a better
> > analogy?
> I have other objections to the cycling behaviour as was, and I'm not
> super-excited about going therough it again  - the archives at
> marc.theaimsgroup.com are pretty navigable.

UI smUI.


I'm going home now to work on my thesis again.  Which is what I was
supposed to be doing instead of fiddling with web sites.

Allan. (ARRae)  Have fun.

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