Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| This makes undo partially work. It crashes always when used in the last
| par and after "complicated" operations, but it works if used in the middle
| of the text for simple insertions/deletions, sometimes even multi-par
| stuff. 
| In any case, this is somewhat beter than what we have now.

Good... and long as it gets better we should push on.
| Note that I had to implement Paragraph::operator=() (Lars, you are a
| naughty boy...).

I had it implemented (with swap), but that was before the clone
fixes... so it did not really compile :-/

| Replace it with something closer to your taste if you
| want. The swap idiom is a bit more work here because the inset owners
| need to be set..

Not if a proper operator= is implemented for InsetList.
(a setOwner will still be needed though).
| Next change i the return type of limited_stack::top(). It's (a) used this
| way and (b) consistent with std::stack<> now.

| The rest is undo specific stuff, some simplification of the logic and some
| code to 'make it work'.
| Ok?



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