| Kuba responded to three of my postings on this thread.  Please Lars, can I
| write a brief response without you trying to reignite a week-old flame war? 

You are reiterating what we have heard for the umph-teenth time.

| As to your request for specifics, I haven't decided whether it's worth the
| effort to dredge up and advocate past ambitious proposals, a subset of which
| have been outlined on this list over the years without influencing the course
| of development.  More knickers in a bunch than signs of renewed interest here.

Tell me again why we should pay _any_ attention to you then?

| I'll probably confine my contributions to bug reports and opportunistic new
| feature ideas, accepting that the canals dug by the developers in
| recent years 
| are, for all practical purposes, layered over in concrete.

Thanks for nothing. Now go away.


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