My prior committee chair (for Cub Scouts) needs an update
to an old document, except I can't read it with the lyx from CVS.

Can someone take a look at it?

Kayvan A. Sylvan          | Proud husband of       | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.   | Laura Isabella Sylvan  | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89) | "crown of her husband" | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)
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Sign up to be a part of Cub Scouts Pack 224! 
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Join us for major scouting fun in 2003-2004!
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Cub Scouts Do Fun Things!
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Meet other boys your own age!
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Visit firehouses, police stations, stay overnight on a real submarine and
 aircraft carrier.
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Use your brains and earn awards in everything from engineering, geology,
\layout Itemize

Wear a cool uniform, go places and see things!
\layout Itemize

Learn about and play all sorts of sports - soccer, basketball, baseball,
\layout Itemize

Build fun things, like pinewood race cars, kites, and bird houses.
\layout Itemize

Learn how to properly display the American flag and perform flag ceremonies.
\layout Itemize

Create your own secret codes.
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Go on hikes and learn about wildlife.
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Attend Scout summer camp where you can learn archery and shooting!
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For Parents: The Program in a nutshell:
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Tiger Cubs - First grade (or age 7).
Boys in the first grade learn new skills
 with an adult family member.
 They work together and attend a monthly event with other Tiger Cubs.
\layout Itemize

Cub Scouts - Second or Third grade (ages 8 to 9).
Scouts continue learning
 and fulfilling requirements in the Wolf Scout Book (for second graders)
 and the Bear Scout Book (for third graders).
 They earn badges related to each of the major areas of a balanced life:
 character development and spiritual growth, family life, good sportsmanship,
 communication, sense of duty, patriotism, decision making, etc.
\layout Itemize

Webelo Scouts - Fourth or Fifth grade (age 10 to 11).
This two year program
 is a transition period into the Boy Scouts.
 During this time, the requirements for advancements increase in difficulty.
 The boys are challenged to take greater ownership and responsibility in
 preparation for becoming full fledged boy scouts.
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Cub Scouts Pack 224 Recruitment Night
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Tuesday, October 7th at 7:00PM
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Almaden Elementary School
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1295 Dentwood Drive
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San Jose, CA 95118
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For more information, contact our Commitee Chairman, Jeff Spedding at 408-266-45
\layout Standard

Check out our web site at
\emph on 
See you there!!!

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