Martin Vermeer wrote:
> Undoubtedly can be made to work... but it is 'politically' wise? If we
> go the way that Lars proposed and recommend people sticking to 2.95 to
> install and use stlport, than even the little extra hassle of
> writing/editing a configure_stlport script when a simple --use-stlport
> option to configure would be the 'least surprise' expectation, is too
> much. (And yes, I know this is for developers, not end users. But that
> includes, e.g., distribution packagers handling hundreds of packages
> and both unfamiliar with and uninterested in the LyX config/install
> system's idiosyncrasies.)

Let's see how this all pans out first. I suspect Lars will give in and 
commit a debugstream that works for you too...


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