Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
>> If there is already a list of dependencies, it should be easy.
>> If not, then it might be tricky....
> Would it not be easy to create a shell/perl/python script that would
> simply look for all the external file references and create a list
> of full paths? Like:
>     % lyx_file_includes foo.lyx
>     foo.lyx
>     img/bar.gif
>     misc/foo.fig

These aren't full paths. They are relative ones.

> And this would enable us to do things like:
>     tar cvzf mydoc.tgz `lyx_file_includes foo.lyx`
> What do you all think?

When you untar it, the files will be all over the place again.

I think that it would be better if Mark created a sensible structure 
for his document. Eg,


Even if the bar.gif, biblio.bib were symolic links. Can 'tar' be 
convinced to copy the file pointed to my a sym link?


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