On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 11:49:44AM -0200, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:
> Hello,
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > How do I start lyxclient manually if I want to go to a certain line?
> >
> >  lyxclient -g newfile16.lyx 13
> >
> > brings up a 'document is already loaded, want to switch' dialog.
> -g is an alias to LFUN_GOTOFILEROW. My inverse search patch just extended
> this lfun to work also with files that are in lyx_tmpdir. So, unles you
> are not using a temporary directory, you should use
> lyxclient -g /tmp/lyx_tmpdir..../..../newfile.tex  13
> which is what xdvi would call. Why don't you let xdvi do it's job instead
> of trying manually?

Because it does not work, i.e. the cursor does not move. No error
message whatsoever. As xdvi does work with EDITOR=vi I figured it might
be a problem with teh lyxclient <-> LyX communication.

> I would really like to continue my work on it, but having two patches
> waiting for approval is too much for me. If something is wrong with them,
> I need to know before resume coding.

I have not payed too much attention to it. Are you refering to the


stuff sent under

 Subject: [PATCH] Inverse search update. 
 Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 20:15:47 -0700 ?


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