> I see. But show is called when inserting the label inset:
>    1523     case LFUN_INSERT_LABEL: {
>    1524         doInsertInset(this, cmd, true, false);
>    1525         InsetCommandParams p("label");
>    1526         string const data =
>    InsetCommandMailer::params2string("label", p);
>    1527         bv->owner()->getDialogs().show("label", data, 0);
>    1528         break;
>    1529     }
> Ah... should I put statement 1524 after 1527?

No, you should simply remove 1524.

Thereafter, on return from "Apply", this block:

   1134     case LFUN_INSET_APPLY: {
   1135         string const name = ev.getArg(0);
   1137 lyxerr << "in BufferView_pimpl LFUN_INSET_APPLY" << std::endl;
   1138         InsetBase * inset = owner_->getDialogs().getOpenInset(name);
   1139         if (inset) {
   1140             // This works both for 'original' and 'mathed' insets.
   1141             // Note that the localDispatch performs update also.
   1142             FuncRequest fr(bv_, LFUN_INSET_MODIFY, ev.argument);
   1143             inset->dispatch(fr);
   1144         } else {
   1145             FuncRequest fr(bv_, LFUN_INSET_INSERT, ev.argument);
   1146             dispatch(fr);
   1147         }
   1148     }
   1149     break;

should invoke LFUN_INSET_INSERT rather than LFUN_INSET_MODIFY...


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