On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 07:49:38PM +0100, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> I agree with Helge here, and it reminded me of a behaviour that's 
> sometimes annoying in mathed. It happens quite often that I delete the 
> previous 'box' without intending to when using the backspace key. An 
> example (just imagine that the latex is actually math in mathed, and '|' 
> is the cursor):
>       a^2+\textrm{aFunction}|
> Pressing backspace now, leaves me with a measly a^2+   :-(
> Anyway, I just remembered that this is something that frequently has 
> annoyed me. Not that I know what to do about it though, because at other 
> times it's really convenient to be able to delete an entire block at 
> once...
> It would be nice if our keyboards were force sensitive sometimes.. then 
> I could simply press backspace a bit harder to get it to delete a block.
> A blue sky idea here might be to have a single backspace keypress delete a 
> simple 'character' to the left if there is one, and if there's a 'box' to 
> the left, you have to press backspace twice?

This gives the impression your keyboard is stuck. I tried this already.
The most annoying 'feature' in this area is that undo does not set the
cursor properly...

> now when you press backspace, the textinset isn't deleted, but highlighted 
> and a cute text shows up on the statusbar saying "Press delete again to 
> actually delete".
>       a^2+\textrm{aFunction}|
>           \---delete?------\
> and then when you press delete again, you end up with

Hm... highlighting might indeed be an option as the first backspace is
not silently swallowed.


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