On Sun, Dec 28, 2003 at 11:05:31AM +0100, Janus Sandsgaard spake thusly:
> Dear LyX developers
> I am a very happy and enthusiastic LyX user. A student at social science
> ("International Development Studies" and "Department of Technology and
> Social Science" at Roskilde University, Danmark). LyX is just the thing
> for me. I am running Linux and want something for doing complex
> reports/thesis without missing with LaTeX in Emacs. And LyX is just the
> thing for me!
> I am going to recommend LyX to all my fellow students at non-technical
> educations as "the application we have all been waiting for". The ultimate
> alternative to MS-Word and Endnote. I am so happy with LyX that I am
> writing a "Linux in Academia" book for non-technical students and
> scientists about the potentials of Linux for doing academic work. Here I
> present LyX as "The big thing". The book is currently in development and
> only in Danish:
>       <http://cvs.linuxbog.dk/forsker/bog/index.html.php>
> But... there is one thing I really, really miss in LyX. Something I almost
> cannot forgive the lack of...
> I need a kind of "spell as you type" / "fly-spell" feature in LyX.  A
> spell checker based on ispell/aspell that simply underline
> misspelled/unknown words with a red line. Something similar to what I am
> used to from MS-Word, Ooo-Writer etc. I am sure this is something that
> will make a lot of (potential) users happy.
> Please! Give me the feature I am waiting for. Give me the feature that
> will make LyX evangelism much easier.
> How are chances for implementing such a spell checker in the upcoming
> version of LyX?
> ... And happy new year! -)
> -j
> -- 
> http://weblog.janus.dk

        "...og viser af Linux i de fleste tilfælde helt kan erstatte Windows
        og MacOS til studiebrug."

The error in this sentence wouldn't be found by *any* spell checker,
on-the-fly or not :-)

I am not sure really how practically useful this feature would be --
seems more like a look-good feel-good thing to me. Certainly not
impossible to implement though... we have already asynchronous
background processes.

The book is a good idea though. (BTW I would have made it a Wiki.)

- Martin

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