Kuba Ober wrote:
> Since some time I'm contemplating implementing booktabs a.k.a. tableaux
> support for 1.3.x. Would that have a chance to go in, if properly done?
> I.e. are any new features allowed into 1.3.x? I might have asked that
> before, but have forgotten the answer since :) *

I'm not the one to decide this, but I think there are no (major) new features 
allowed for 1.3.x. Why not code it up for 1.4? [1]

> I'm thinking of adding a per-table "Book-style table" checkbox which will
> limit what you can do to the table - i.e. no vertical lines, as well as
> adding support for top/mid/bottom rule and cmidrule. Since this would
> rather trivially extend the file format keeping it 100% upward compatible,
> it needs a `cat`-style up-lyxconvert, and a reasonably trivial
> down-lyxconvert which I'm willing to write as well - I'm thinking it would
> simply downgrade the "nice" rules into obnoxious "standard" ones.

My opinion: booktabs support would be great (I use nothing else for tabulars). 
Of course, additional tabular*, tabularx and tabulary support would be great 
I think, a good way (ui wise) would be to extend the tabular create dialog: 
let the user chose a tabular "style" in the first place (and let her alter it 
in the tabular dialog).


[1] If you need booktabs tabulars in lyx: you know that there are some ERT 
tricks to use booktabs within the lyx tabulars?

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