On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 12:42:45AM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> Updated DTD and patch.
> The environments deeper,paragraphparamters,paragraphcontent has been
> removed.

  That can only be a good sign. :-)

 I have annotated your proposal with some small notes bellow.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Any particular reason for the order params, preamble, option?
  Why isn't the option a parameter?
> <!-- layout should of course have been a IDREF to the layouts actually -->
> <!-- found in the different textclasses. Is that possible to -->
> <!-- accomplish? (Lgb) -->

  I doubt, we don't want to bind the lyx dtd with the different textclasses,
that is the advantage of extensibility.

> <!-- I really want the layout to be a NMTOKEN so we should change the -->
> <!-- layout files a bit so that there are no spaces in layout names. -->
> <!-- (Lgb) -->

  But there are no layout with spaces in its name. At least none that we
distribute, and I don't think we support them.

> <!ELEMENT paragraph (#PCDATA | font | foot | marginal | note |
> latexcommand | quotes | labelwidthstring | accent | tabular |
> vspace | newline | ert | formula | formulamacro | graphics
> | bibitem | float | optarg | specialchar | space | paragraph)*>

  IMHO, although now it is implemented as an inset the optarg should be a
paragraph parameter. I doesn't make sense any other way.

  Also since you have here the new line don't we miss the page break, aka
> -- 
>       Lgb

José Abílio Matos
LyX and docbook a perfect match. :-)

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