On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 08:09:29PM +0100, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Georg Baum wrote:
> > Ok. I think it should be done in CVS. Jürgen, should I create a branch
> > (following Alfredos hints, I did it never before)?
> That'd be good (so we could work on it together). I never created a branch 
> myself, though.

Working with branches is a pain, frustrates people and eats into already
scrace resources.

I'd rather officially lift the freeze for a short while and let
everybody work on his pet project in this time. This also includes XML
support as this is a thing of fairly high 'public interest' which also
happens to be comparatively independent of the current core problems.

The idea that in freeze time everybody starts fixing bugs might be nice
in theory but seemingly does not work too well in reality. And this time
is not the first time. 1.2 was no better.

I'd really like to have a happy, busy lyx-devel list doing fancy things
_including_ fixing a bug from time to time instead of a dead list with
two kinds of corpses: Those that can't fix 'deep' bugs because they just
started finding their ways around in LyX source, and those that
theoretically could but feel defeated from several hundred open bugs and
seemingly no support from anybody else.

The happy list helps the former as their contributions get a quick
positive feedback and the latter are encouraged by feeling less lonesome.


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