>>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Angus> Thanks for the commentary, Jean-Marc. I like the ideas of a
Angus> hierarchy of "os" classes and of getting rid of GetEnvPath.
Angus> I'll continue the process of small, self contained patches.


Angus> I think that, as a rule, we should be a little less worried
Angus> about indentation issues. As often as not the only comments
Angus> that a patch gets are about indentation and whitespace. Let's
Angus> assume that I'll get that right and concentrate on the
Angus> substance of the proposed changes ;-)


Angus> Summary, the above code is a bug fix, pure and simple, although
Angus> I'd write is as:
Angus> { QTextCodec const * const codec =
Angus> QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); QCString const tmpstr =
Angus> codec->fromUnicode(str); return tmpstr.isEmpty() ? string() :
Angus> string(tmpstr);
Angus> }

Angus> Patches attached. Happy if I commit?

Yes. I was wondering whether this is related to the string-related
crashes people have been experiencing with some versions of Qt (with
non-existing fonts). I believe this has been fixed in 1.4.0cvs, but
not in 1.3.6cvs.


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