
last year a colleague and me had to write a script for my professor. So we 
took our laptops, and wrote the script during the lesson. Of course, we used 
LyX for text and formulas and xfig for graphs! My colleague was an faster 
typer, so he typed text and me made formulaes and graphs. Our prof was amazed 
with our speed and quality. And we could earn some money and play starcraft 
at the same time ;-). But we could have played even longer. Our main problem 
was that it took a lot of time to set my formulaes and graphs in his text. 

I think we could have saved some time, if we were able to work both on a 
single document at the same time. So I  propose a server-client-architecture 
for LyX that works in the same way as the "team modus" of starcraft. One 
opens a server with the document to edit and other people connect. This could 
also be usefull for visualisation if you want to discuss with a remote 

I have looked in "LyX Wanted Features list" and found "better LyXServer 
support" but it doesn't seem that this server is already an implementation of 
my thought. Unforunately I couldn't find any doku about the LyXServer.

There are other things I would find very comfortable:
- Find&Replace for Formulas
- Copy&Paste between diffent instances of LyX or at least multiple windows for 
one instance
- a LyX Plug-In for Konqueror would be great
- especialy to wirte for a LyX-Wiki
- an (optional) Vim-Mode would be even better  

Desprite of that, LyX is already a great peace of software! Thank you very 


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