On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 02:24:05AM +0100, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Martin Vermeer wrote:
> >What he means is that the figure is formally embedded in a paragraph
> >inside the float, which is formatted "justified" (out of alternatives
> >left, right, justified and centred). This means the picture will align
> >with the left edge, being just one huge "character" in the paragraph.
> Yes, that was what I meant.

Yeah, I kinda figured that, Uwe.  What I'm wondering is:  are figure
floats automatically left-justified?  (That's what I meant by
"LaTeX-ism".)  I *vaguely* recall having to do some sorta
preamble-hack to get my 100+ pages of figures for my thesis to appear
centered on the page at the size I wanted.  

But it's been over 6 years since then, and my memory's failing.

And, agreed, would be nice if the justification of an figure float
were tunable.  (How easy it would be... I'd have to dig out my
dissertation and see if I'm even on the right track here, or if my
memory's flakey.)

John Weiss

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