Regarding the ability to create "hypertext" links in LyX documents
(originated in a discussion on the lyx-docs list)

Jean-Marc wrote:
> chr> * Link to another part of the same document (this we have
> chr> already, right?)
> Yes, but this means using a reference that will appear in the
> printout. This is not like an hypertext reference.
> chr> * Link to another document?
> chr> * Link to another part inside another document?
> We do not have these, and it is a pity.

Do people in general agree that it makes sense to have hypertext links in
.lyx-files? Or is this something that doesn't make sense since LyX,
assuming LyX is primarily supposed to produced printed documents?

The open question is how a hypertext link should be rendered when
exporting to a "printed" target? But... wait a minute, can't PDFs have    
hypertext links? How are they created in LyX today?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44     

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