Andreas Vox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 13.02.05 02:52:53:
> The problem with inlinemath is that you have to know the depth of the 
> graphic
> if you want to align it to the baseline. This depth will be needed by 
> ANY presentation
> if it want to achieve a decent layout. Imagine the two formulas:
> x^{y^z}
> x_{y_z}
> Current HTML would align bitmaps for these formulas in a way that the 
> first x is
> on the baseline and the second x is hovering several pixels above the 
> baseline.

Thanks for the explanation Andreas! Now a lot more is clear to me. :-)

As communicated personally to you, I suggest the following solution:

Instead of < grafic >, use  < inlinemediaobject >.  Inside < inlinemediaobject 
>, use < imageobject > and inside < imageobject > use < imagedata >. The 
advantage of < imagedata > is that you can use width, depth, align and valign 

In detail, use:

(Note: I inserted blanks in the SGML tags, so they can be displayed in Webmail 
clients with high security settings. Otherwise they would be interpreted as 
"unknown HTML tags" and they could be suppressed in the display - it happens 

< inlineequation >
  < alt >$
\sum _{n=0}^{\infty }\frac{1}{n!}=e$
  < /alt >
  < ![ %output.print.png; [
    < inlinemediaobject >
        < imageobject >
            < imagedata fileref="images/math/19785.png" width="xx" depth="yy" 
align="zz" valign="ww" ... >
        < /imageobject >
    < /inlinemediaobject >
  ]] >
   < ![ %output.print.pdf; [
    < inlinemediaobject >
        < imageobject >
            < imagedata fileref="images/math/19785.png" width="xx" depth="yy" 
align="zz" valign="ww" ... >
        < /imageobject >
    < /inlinemediaobject >
    ]] >
< /inlineequation >

instead of

 < inlineequation >
  < alt >
$\sum _{n=0}^{\infty }\frac{1}{n!}=e$
  < /alt >
 < ![ %output.print.png; [
 < graphic fileref="images/math/19785.png" >
 ]] >
 < ![ %output.print.pdf; [
 < graphic fileref="images/math/19785.png" >
 ]] >
 < ![ %output.print.eps; [
 < graphic fileref="images/math/19785.png" >
 ]] >
 < ![ %output.print.bmp; [
 < graphic fileref="images/math/19785.bmp" >
 ]] >
 < /inlineequation >

You will need to change the DBTeXMath stylesheets to search for < 
inlinemediaobject >, instead of < grafic >, but this should be doable. We 
should also check if Openjade supports < inlinemediaobject >, otherwise we 
create a new, bigger problem...

> On a related topic: when I generate the math bitmaps, which resolution 
> should I use?
> This is another presentation property which needs to be decided upon 
> when the
> document is exported :-(

Let the user enter it in a configuration dialog. A sensible default is 100. But 
others may use 72, AFAIR it depends on (or it *is*) the dpi of the display you 
used to create your images/screenshots. YMMV, that's why it belongs to a 
user-entered field. 

Note: there is another resolution-related parameter that belongs to 
jadetex.cfg, which I discovered lately. It also affects images in PDF... I will 
have to incoprporate it into my lyxtox package. I am just saying it here, so we 
don't forget it on the way. ;-)



Chris Karakas

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