Hello Angus, hello Johann,

Angus Leeming wrote:

Uwe, how does this strategy compare to yours?

Johann Kellerman wrote:

Attached is a nsi script to install/uninstall the required fonts. You
can easily change between xft-fonts and bakoma. (one line in script)

I need more lines as I let the user decide what to use.

Johann can you test my font install routine, that is built in the following installer:


(The source code is in the attached skript)
Here the description (taken from a previous message to the lyx-devel list):

The font installation should now work on XP, 2000, ME, and 98. I found some useful scripts in the NSIS forum but has to modyfy them to work with NSIS 2.06 and for special LyX purposes. I uploaded:


This version installs the fonts no matter if they are yet installed. This has the following advantage:

- Users which currently use LyX 1.3.5 and have installed the LaTeX-XFT fonts can benefit from the BaKoMa-fonts. They choose them in the installer and the XFT-fonts will be replaced.

- Users who have the BaKoMa-fonts installed probably don't have the wasy10.ttf installed. This was my fault as I forgot them in the font package when I announced it. (I fixed this two weeks ago.) These users also benefit from the "install always" method as the wasy-font is installed.

The same is implemented in my actual package. (plus a bugfix)
If you are interested in the complete skript repository, download it from:


thanks and regards

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