On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 02:36:32PM +0100, Angus Leeming wrote:
> Angus Leeming wrote:
> > Andre Poenitz wrote:
> >> Of course, creating a context menu on right-click which a combo box of
> >> all available colors is a matter of 20 lines or so in 'pure' Qt, but I
> >> really don't know how to set this up in LyX's GUII scheme.
> > 
> > Shrug. Let me paint a picture:
> Actually, it's even simpler. One CSMenu per BufferView, I suppose. Here's 
> a complete but of course untested, implementation.

> frontends/csmenu.h
> ==================
> class CSMenu {
> public:
>     CSMenu() : impl_(Impl::build()) {}
>     // Define the position of the CSM.
>     // Use a LyX type in real code.
>     typedef QPoint point_type;
>     typedef std::vector<std::string> menu_data_type;
>     typedef menu_data_type::size_type size_type;
>     static const size_type npos = static_cast<size_type>(-1);
>     /** \returns ID of the selected data item.
>      *  \returns npos if nothing was selected.
>      */
>     size_type show(point_type const & position,
>                    menu_data_type const & data) const {
>         return impl_->show(position, data);
>     }
> protected:
>     class Impl {
>     public:
>         // Implemented in the frontend
>         static boost::shared_ptr<Impl> build();
>         virtual size_type show(point_type const & position,
>                                menu_data_type const &) const = 0;
>     };
> private:
>     boost::shared_ptr<Impl> impl_;
> };
> frontends/qt_csmenu.[Ch]
> ========================
> #include <qpopupmenu.h>
> class Qt_CSMenu : CSMenu::Impl {
> public:
>     size_type show(point_type const & position,
>                    menu_data_type const & data) const
>     {
>         typedef menu_data_type::const_iterator iterator;
>         iterator const end = data.end();
>         for (iterator it = data.begin(); it != end; ++it)
>             menu_.insertItem(toqstr(*it));
>         size_type const result menu_.exec(pos);
>         menu_.clear();
>         return result;
>     }
> private:
>     QPopupMenu menu_;
> };
> boost::shared_ptr<CSMenu::Impl> CSMenu::Impl::build()
> {
>     return boost::shared_ptr<CSMenu::Impl>(new Qt_CSMenu);
> }
> Do I miss anything?

Not bad for starters. The obvious next candidate would be a context menu
for the formula type. Or left/right delimiters...

Well. You miss something that wasn't said: It would be nice if that
context 'menu' 'scaled' up to a degree where macro definitions could
be handled as well. This is more or less an arbitrary dialog popping
up, not just a list of words to select from.


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