Bo Peng wrote:
> Although the developers may disagree, I am 100% sure windows users
> will welcome a bundle version of lyx. (This does not have to conflict
> with an upgrade version with only lyx). I can set up a poll in
> lyx-user list if this is still in doubt.

Hi, Bo.

Have you had a look at Luis's suggestion that we have a look at

I think that this, or the idea behind it, is a very good idea:

explain to the user what he needs and then go and grab it if we wants it.

Basically, I think that the current installer (which I wrote BTW) is a step
in the right direction. It points the user to the place where he can grab
a package, but doesn't actually do anything with it. It could. It could
grab the package and install it. There are NSIS installers that do and the
source to do so is all available.

> The last question is that whether or not the developers are required,
> or willing, to please these 'ignorant' windows users....

There's nothing wrong with ignorance. I don't think we should equate it
with stupidity.

I think that an installer that leads the intelligent user through the
installation process in an intelligent way is an intelligent way forward.
I don't think downloading vast amounts of stuff that I don't need or want
is a good solution.


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