Martin Vermeer wrote:
>> I guess more delay would make it easier, but at the big price of
>> slowness when
>> selecting many pages.  Big selections are slow enough as they are
>> already. Smaller jumps, such as 1/4 or 1/5 of a page would make it
>> easier, even if the
>> delay is reduced further to keep the same scrolling speed as now.
> Yes... but hard to do within the current paradigm. Actually scroll
> speed dependence on where you keep the mouse would be best, but not
> doable in my understanding without major change. (I actually tried
> to make the 200 ms delay into a variable that could be tuned at
> runtime, but failed miserably. Does anyone know if that can be done,
> and how?)

What emacs does, IIRC, is make scrolling speed dependent on mouse
position above or below the window. It the mouse is only just outside
the window then scrolling speed is slow. If it's a long way above
(below) the window, then scrolling is fast.

Is it difficult to use such an idea here?


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