>>>>> "Bo" == Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bo> Blank and newline is (usually) not significant in latex, is it so
Bo> in lyx? If not, adding a blank after dot should fix the problem.

Unfortunately, blank is significant in the LyX format, and a newline
is not equivalent to a blank. The format is very bad in this point if

So a solution would be to change the format and replace "." by
something like \dot (like we do for \backspace). But then lyx2lyx
would have to be very very careful to avoid to replace \dot macros in
mathed, for example.

Moreover, I am not sure that ".<lf>" is the only bad case. In the
example sent by Enrico I saw the errors for all lines beginning by

So, instead of redesigning our file format to avoid some program's
bug, the energy would be better spent by giving a convincing test case
to one of these thunderbird's bugs:
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=196584 (where a possible
workaround to a related problem is given)

If you can describe precisely what combination of (Sender MUA, Sender OS,
POP3 server, Receiver MUA, Receiver OS) causes the bug, it should be
possible to fix.


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