Michael Gerz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Michael Gerz wrote:
| >> Hello,
| >> I guess I am not the only translator fighting with the innumerable
| >> variants in the layout strings.
| >
| > Me, too (although I almost completed work)
| >
| >> All the layout strings are currently marked as translatable, and it
| >> is up to the translator to decide if he should try to adapt them or
| >> not.
| >>
| >> But, as I understand it from the manuals, some of the layouts are
| >> language-specific. Obvious examples are the English or German
| >> letter layouts.
| >
| >> It could be "en" for all the scientific publications and English
| >> letters, "de" for the German letters, and "all" for the multi-usage
| >> layouts. Only the strings from the files tagged "all" would go into
| >> the po file.
| >
| > Yes, that would be a good idea. However, I think it would be better
| > to have a "translatable" flag only. From the point of view of a
| > Spanish guy, it does not really matter whether the document is
| > English or German as long as it is non-translatable. The flag should
| > also be used internally by LyX. Otherwise, LyX will translate some
| > label strings accidentally.
| Jean-Marc,
| I think we should do something in order to resolve this issue BEFORE
| 1.4.0 is released. It is a real nuissance for all translators.

It is time to cut losses and get 1.4.0 out there.... what ever annoys
the translaters they have the option to skip translating.

This issue should not be allowed to delay 1.4.0.

| PS: How about fixing/improving label strings? Are you willing to
| accept corresponding patches at this stage?


(we just have to stop somewhere...)


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