On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 07:58:42PM +0200, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> 2) BTW is it really true that pushing something to the
> back of a <vector> (or other container), forcing a copy in memory to a
> new location (?) will invalidate any iterators defined earlier to point
> into it? This feels almost like assembly :-(

It will invalidate if the vector actually grows. One can prevent
it to a certain degree with 'reserve'. I.e. if you have 10 elements
i8n a vector, than reserve to 20, then obtain iterators, then push_back
10- more items you are guaranteed that the freshly obtained iterators
are still vaild. If you push_back the eleventh element you aren't
guaranteed anyything anymore.

This is about the only reason I am rather fond of using integer offsets
as 'stable iterator replacement' in case of vectors that may grow.


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