Kayvan A. Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 12:08:16AM +0000, Angus Leeming wrote:
> > Enrico is trying to push the code where it isn't meant to go 
> > 
> > He's essentially using the Cygwin build environment to build a native
> > Window executable (ie, --without-x) because Lars' insistence that we use
> > the latest and greatest versions of the autotools means that the
> > MinGW/MSYS platform won't build. (The latest available, working, version
> > of automake on MinGW/MSYS is 1.8.)

Notice that a MinGW LyX *can* be built using only cygwin tools. I have
done that by patching the Qt sources such that configure.bat produces
Makefiles suitable for the cygwin make and then I use "g++ -mno-cygwin"
as the compiler. Works pretty well. If someone is interested I will send
him my howto. I cannot attach files using this gmane interface and I
cannot paste it inline because it has lines longer than 80 chars and this
damn'd interface doesn't let me post in this case.

> > Enrico is finding "directory separator" issues because he's essentially
> > mixing native Windows code (Qt) with Posix code (our os_cygwin.C).
> > 
> > Hmmm, is that a fair summary? Yes, I think so.
> Ah. I see. No, I have nothing useful, then.
> Enrico is exploring territory that I have not traversed.
> My Cygwin builds run under Cygwin/X11. It would be cool to get LyX on Cygwin
> working natively with Qt, but I don't know what the issues are.

I found what is the problem. The "-platform cygwin-g++-win32" configure
switch does a pretty good job. It appropriately pulls in *_win.cpp or
*_unix.cpp modules from the Qt sources. But when using the native file
dialog it returns a native Windows path of the form "C:\path" (I think
because it is external to Qt) and the QDir::isRelativePath() in
qdir_unix.cpp correctly identifies it as being a relative posix path,
so the current directory is prepended to it and ka-boom. So it will
suffice to convert to posix form this path. Only qfiledialog_win.cpp
has to be patched.

All the rest seems to work. I did not so many checks because I was trying
to solve the file dialog problem, but I am able to load and compile a file
with all bells and whistles (figures, bibliography, etc.).


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