On Sun, 12 Feb 2006, Martin Vermeer wrote:

> > There is one thing I wonder about the setup of Subversion though... I
> > remember reading something about there being a risk with several
> > people accessing (writing?) to the repository at the same time. I'd be
> > grateful for a pointer to the relevant documentation on how this
> > is/can be solved.
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch05.html#svn-ch-5-sect-1.3
> That seems to be a potential problem for the Berkeley database, which we
> don't use.

I think I was also confusing it slightly with using multiple ways to 
access the repository:

In our case it's only using 'svnserve'. In addition, I was also
remembering some stuff about 'umask'-related stuff to do. From the URI

        All of your SSH users need to be able to read and write to the
        repository.  Put all the SSH users into a single group. Make the
        repository wholly owned by that group, and set the group
        permissions to read/write.

        Your users need to use a sane umask when accessing the repository.
        Make sure that svnserve (/usr/bin/svnserve, or wherever it lives
        in $PATH) is actually a wrapper script which sets umask 002 and
        executes the real svnserve binary. Take similar measures when
        using svnlook and svnadmin.  Either run them with a sane umask, or
        wrap them as described above.

I'm sure Lars has done all of this, he seems quite the expert. :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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