Em Qui 09 Mar 2006 06:06, João Luis Meloni Assirati escreveu:
> Em Qui 09 Mar 2006 05:50, Georg Baum escreveu:
> In your patch, a .dvix (I am not using this anymore, but lets
> communicate like this) is made through the chain
> .tex -> .dvi -> .dvix.
> If the converter sees a .dvi in the tmpdir (that is, I previously exported
> to dvi), then a next .dvix generation (that is, a next preview) will simply
> move the existing .dvi into the desired .dvix, resulting in a .dvix without
> source specials.

Georg, you also wrote

> One drawback of this solution compared to the original one is that an 
> existing dvi file in the temp dir will be overwritten (and then renamed) 
> if a dvi2 file is created. This could be easily solved by defining a 
> latex2 format and using that as source for dvi2 creation.

We need, from input_file, create output_file (in our concrete example, 
input_file is the .tex file, output_file is the .dvix file), but the 
converter has some resultfile (in our case, the .dvi file), which must be 
moved to output_file.

What do you think about the following idea: if output_file != resultfile and 
resultfile exists, then, before runung the converter, move outputfile to 
outputfile.tmp, and after the converter finishes, move back outputfile.tmp to 
outputfile. This is a generic solution.


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