Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The logic of the buttons, as far as I remember:
> > 
> > Press the button. This should trigger a call to
> > Dialog::Controller::ApplyButton() AFAIR. Within that method is a call to
> > view().apply() which is what QCitation::apply() is.
> That's what I understood yes but at the end QCitation::apply is not 
> called. I guess there is an error somewhere in the process

touch the few files in controllers and qt4 that you're interested in and rebuild
    make CPPFLAGS='-g'

that should add debugging data to just the stuff you're interested in, allowing
you to step through with the debugger.

> >> By the way, what's the "QCitation::hide" method for?

> > Hides the dialog?

> I mean is it useful to hide it? Is there any calls to this hide method?

Yes, it's useful. When you switch documents, then document-specific dialogs are
hidden. Go read controllers/Dialog.C which *is* pretty transparent even if
things become less so in the frontends. My feeling about this is that people try
and make sense of the logic by starting in a frontend implementation of a
Dialog::View and, of course, end up confused because they can't see the
controlling logic.


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