Bo Peng a écrit :
I like it but my opinion does not count much. I hope they will not
reject this patch because it brings too many things at the same time,

That is why I am stopping here and waiting for their responses. Lars
and Angus seem to like independent, clean and small patches but I do
not think it is a good idea to have .lyx/bookmark, .lyx/lastpos,
lyx/whatever handled independently.

I kind of agree (even though I would prefer a wide spread format). IMHO, you do the job so you should decide. If we manage to do something more elaborate with the frontend etc, we'll switch to that new solution. In the mean time your solution is useful now. But that's just me. Lars is probably going to tell you that he really wants those features separate and that this non-negotiable ;-)

Have you been able to compile and test it? Please test it more to give
 Lars more confidence in applying it.

I'll try to find some time to test it.


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