> +                       // paragraphs is now RandomAccessList
> +                       // so simple paragraphs[pit] is not allowed.
> +                       ParIterator it = b->par_iterator_begin();
> +                       ParIterator const end = b->par_iterator_end();
> +                       for (; it != end; ++it)
> +                               if (it.pit() == pit) {
> Doesn't
>         it = boost::next(b->par_iterator_begin(), pit)
> work here?

If pit goes from 0, to paragraphs.size()-1 in order, of course we can
do this. The paragraph RandomAccessList and ParIterator have confused
me. paragraphs[i] does exist, but I do not know how to make it to
ParIterator. &paragraphs[i] certainly won't do.


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