>>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Angus> I'll also note that at the moment the installer modifies
Angus> configure to output a \path_prefix entry to lyxrc.defaults. As
Angus> and when the LyX 1.4 series moves to configure.py, this step
Angus> should either be changed to modify configure.py or removed
Angus> altogether if some variant of Bo'd auto feature is back ported.

Angus> Thinking about it, LyX will still need to know where sh.exe and
Angus> python.exe are. That suggests that you're going to end up with
Angus> a chicken-and-egg type problem: You'll need to run configure.py
Angus> to generate lyxrc.defaults to read \path_prefix to find
Angus> python.exe but...

The solution could be to have yet another lyxrc file (lyxrc.base or
lyxrc.dist?) that is either distributed with lyx (like preferences in
the mac version) or generated by the installer and that is read as the
first one by LyX (before lyxrc.defaults and preferences).


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