On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 01:10:08PM +0300, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> char const * using_this_returned_value_is_undefined_behaviour()
> {
>   char const * cdata = std::string("data").c_str();
>   return cdata;
> }
> I think I understand this. The problem is that cdata is made to point to
> the start of the string "data" in memory, which is a constant that may
> be allocated in two different ways:
> 1) like a local variable inside the using_...vior() routine, i.e., part
> of the instantiation's stack frame;
> 2) as part of the _code_ of this routine.
> In the first case, the stack frame disappears on return, and using
> whatever cdata used to point to may or may not bite you. In the second,
> the string "data" is a permanent part of the executable binary.
> const-ing *cdata may for some compilers influence this behaviour, who
> knows.
> Does this make sense?

Right, the outcome of undefined behaviour tends to depend on
circumstances. You are scetching very likely outcomes.


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