Bo Peng wrote:

> I have no right to make such a big decision. I proposed a filename
> change and get "is your problem fixed?" reply. Namely, as long as lyx
> is working, such a big change is not welcome, especially when the
> source of the problem is from the stupidity of windows.

I did not read it like that. André pointed out (and was right IMO) that .C
and .c work fine on windows as long as you don't need foo.C and foo.c at
the same time, so scons does not as well as it could here.
The reason for renaming from .C to .cpp is not "scons needs it" but "it is
useful for a couple of reasons, one being some problems on windows". This
has been stated more than once.

> Also, as you can see, this problem has been brought up several times
> but  no action had been taken. I have no reason to believe that this
> will happen this time.

And this is what I don't like. I promised to do the change, and you still
believe it will not happen. The difference to the last times this issue has
been discussed was that then nobody said he wanted to do it, only a
conclusion "this should happen some time" has been reached.

OK, Lars said he wants to wait for a while, but this does not mean to wait

Anyway, I stop participating in these meta-discussions right now, it  does
only cost time and resultsv in nothing.


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