Jose' Matos a écrit :
On Wednesday 10 May 2006 18:02, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
Guys, you have to recognize that it's difficult for us also that we have
to fight for each and every feature and prove ourselves each time.
I don't mind discussing myself (I probably enjoy it as it is a new
experience for me ;-)); but if you really are fad up with these lengthy
discussions about windows and scons and etc. please tell us and we will
switch to private discussions.

What you are saying is reasonable but please look to the other side of the coin. We (LyX) had lots of half features implemented over time where after the initial enthusiasm of the author fade away the feature was left to rotten since no one knew the code.

This is what we don't want to happen again. Sometimes it seems tempting to trade a short term advantage for the long time code stability. Believe me it is not worth it.

I understand all this, really. Nevertheless, maybe because of this bad past experience, I have the feeling that you (as a whole) are over protective with your baby. LyX is not a baby anymore, she is now a beautiful young lady that needs some adventure beside you ;-) I mean, maybe I am wrong but the primary reason why you have cleanup the code is to ease new feature development, isn't it?

So my fellow LyXians if you elect me as president I promisse free bear for everyone. ;-)

That sounds like the maintainer you were looking for Lars :-)


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