On Apr 26, 2006, at 3:12 PM, Georg Baum wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 20. April 2006 20:07 schrieb Bennett Helm:
Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x90047e4c in kill ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x90047e4c in kill ()
#1  0x9012dff4 in abort ()
#2  0x001b5bac in __eprintf () at insetbibitem.C:160
#3  0x00139890 in boost::filesystem::path::m_path_append
(this=0xbfffc560, [EMAIL PROTECTED], checker=0x1390c4
<boost::filesystem::no_check(std::string const&)>) at /usr/include/
#4  0x00139440 in boost::filesystem::path::path (this=0xbfffc560,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) at path_posix_windows.cpp:203
#5  0x001572d8 in lyx::support::isFileReadable ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at
#6  0x00151674 in (anonymous namespace)::normalize_name
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) at insetbibtex.C:116
#7  0x00151eb4 in InsetBibtex::latex (this=0x1153c3b0,

OK, the backtrace tells us that the problem is probably somewhere in
InsetBibtex. Could you try the attached patch and post the output with
the problematic file please?

Sorry it's taken so long. Here's the output from gdb. (Is this what you wanted?)

I've also attached stripped-down .lyx and .bib files that cause the problem. (Nothing magical about the files themselves; it's the location of the .bib file outside the LaTeX path that causes troubles. Put this .bib file in a standard LaTeX location, and everything is fine.)



path_posix_windows.cpp:235: failed assertion `src.size() == std::strlen( src.c_str() )'

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x90047e4c in kill ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x90047e4c in kill ()
#1  0x9012dff4 in abort ()
#2  0x001b818c in __eprintf () at math_macrotemplate.C:215
#3 0x0013cdfc in boost::filesystem::path::m_path_append (this=0xbfffc5a0, [EMAIL PROTECTED], checker=0x13c630 <boost::filesystem::no_check(std::string const&)>) at /usr/include/ gcc/darwin/3.3/c++/bits/basic_string.h:901 #4 0x0013c9ac in boost::filesystem::path::path (this=0xbfffc5a0, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at path_posix_windows.cpp:203 #5 0x0015a874 in lyx::support::isFileReadable ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at filetools.C:147 #6 0x00154c24 in (anonymous namespace)::normalize_name ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at insetbibtex.C:117 #7 0x001554bc in InsetBibtex::latex (this=0x11983210, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at /usr/ include/gcc/darwin/3.3/c++/bits/stl_alloc.h:652 #8 0x000f6484 in Paragraph::Pimpl::simpleTeXSpecialChars (this=0x11983060, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], c=1 '\001') at paragraph_pimpl.C:574 #9 0x000f0d24 in Paragraph::simpleTeXOnePar (this=0xe0326d8, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at ../boost/ boost/shared_ptr.hpp:246 #10 0x000e91a4 in (anonymous namespace)::TeXOnePar ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], pit={<_List_iterator_base> = {_M_node = 0xe0326d0}, <No data fields>}, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at /usr/include/gcc/ darwin/3.3/c++/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h:112 #11 0x000e9c44 in latexParagraphs ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at output_latex.C:528 #12 0x000456f4 in Buffer::makeLaTeXFile (this=0x1193abc0, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], output_preamble=3221214320, output_body=9897720) at /usr/include/gcc/ darwin/3.3/c++/bits/stl_alloc.h:656 #13 0x00044cb0 in Buffer::makeLaTeXFile (this=0x1193abc0, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], output_preamble=true, output_body=true) at buffer.C:815 #14 0x00078218 in Exporter::Export (buffer=0x1193abc0, [EMAIL PROTECTED], put_in_tempdir=true, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at exporter.C:215 #15 0x00079020 in Exporter::preview (buffer=0x1193abc0, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at exporter.C:273 #16 0x000ada4c in LyXFunc::dispatch (this=0xdb4dd40, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at lyxfunc.C:848 #17 0x000a9ba4 in LyXFunc::processKeySym (this=0xdb4dd40, keysym={px = 0xdb49dd0, pn = {pi_ = 0x119be9c0}}, state=ctrl) at lyxfunc.C:331 #18 0x00009f58 in BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaKeyPress (this=0xdb4e4f0, key=Cannot access memory at address 0x0
) at frontends/LyXView.h:83
#19 0x00004334 in BufferView::workAreaKeyPress (this=0x0, key=Cannot access memory at address 0x0
) at ../boost/boost/detail/sp_counted_base_gcc_ppc.hpp:167
#20 0x0042a9f0 in QContentPane::keyeventTimeout (this=0xdb4ea60) at ../../../boost/boost/detail/sp_counted_base_gcc_ppc.hpp:167 #21 0x0052a3f8 in QContentPane::qt_invoke (this=0xdb4ea60, _id=47, _o=0xbfffe760) at QContentPane_moc.C:91 #22 0x00284754 in QObject::activate_signal () at ControlCommandBuffer.C:137 #23 0x0028463c in QObject::activate_signal () at ControlCommandBuffer.C:137
#24 0x003beb4c in QTimer::event () at GraphicsCacheItem.C:448
#25 0x00269f74 in QApplication::internalNotify () at /usr/include/gcc/ darwin/3.3/c++/bits/stl_alloc.h:656 #26 0x00269b6c in QApplication::notify () at /usr/include/gcc/darwin/ 3.3/c++/bits/stl_alloc.h:656
#27 0x0042e224 in QEventLoop::macHandleTimer () at QLPainter.C:250
#28 0x0029567c in QApplication::globalEventProcessor () at lcolorcache.C:47
#29 0x931d7794 in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#30 0x931d6eec in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#31 0x931d6d68 in SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions ()
#32 0x931de0c8 in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler ()
#33 0x931d79e4 in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#34 0x931d6eec in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#35 0x931ddc8c in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#36 0x00294e20 in qt_mac_send_event () at lcolorcache.C:47
#37 0x0042f134 in QEventLoop::processEvents () at QLPainter.C:250
#38 0x0040dcc0 in QEventLoop::enterLoop () at GraphicsCacheItem.C:448
#39 0x0040dbac in QEventLoop::exec () at GraphicsCacheItem.C:448
#40 0x00180640 in lyx_gui::start ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at lyx_gui.C:277 #41 0x00098cec in LyX::priv_exec (this=0xdb06e70, [EMAIL PROTECTED], argv=0xbffff850) at lyx_main.C:287 #42 0x0009762c in LyX::exec ([EMAIL PROTECTED], argv=0xbffff850) at ../ boost/boost/scoped_ptr.hpp:93
#43 0x000033b8 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff850) at main.C:47

Attachment: bibtex-crash.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: bibtex-crash.bib
Description: Binary data

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