Bo Peng wrote:

> Let me summarize your logic (correct me if I am wrong):
> 1. noview: no view anyway (with or without viewer)
> 2. can view: will show up under view if a  viewer is available.


> Enrico has seen a long list of unwanted menu items and I guess they
> are all "viewable"? Your solution does not solve this problem.

I think it does. We have basicaly two groups of formats: Document formats
(like tex, ps, dvi, pdf, ooffice etc) and image formats (xpm, bmp, png
etc). Some formats (pdf and ps) are in both groups. My intention is to set
the "viewable" flag for all document formats. This is a useful default IMO:
LyX shows what it can do, and if a user knows he will never want to export
to ooffice he can simply unset the flag for that format. The image-only
formats would not have the flag set because almost nobody would want to
view a document in e.g. xpm (but it would still be possible to set the flag
if desired).

If that is OK with you I'd suggest that either you or Jean-Marc apply
Jean-Marcs version of the patch, and I'll work from there. We would live
with may view items, but I will have a patch in the next few days (or the
weekend et the latest).


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